And He is the Head of the Body, the church; He is the beginning, the Firstborn from the dead, that He Himself might have the first place in all things. Colossians 1:18
We are believers in Jesus Christ who simply come together to worship Him, study His word, pray, preach the gospel, and serve Him for the building up of the Church, the Body of Christ, as His testimony on the earth. We take no name other than the name of Jesus Christ and thus have no denomination. We hold to the Word of God as our unique standard of truth.
All brothers and sisters are active participants of the enjoyment of Christ and freely sing, pray and share in our meetings. On Lord’s Day, we enjoy the Lord’s Table and a message on God’s Word shared by experienced brothers among us. We hold weekly prayer meetings, sisters’ meetings, adult home meetings and youth meetings. Children’s service is provided on Lord’s Day. We attend joint church conferences and trainings together with other churches in the Midwest area.
We began meeting as the Church in Naperville in 1994. We used this name because in the Bible, churches are distinguished by city alone. We purchased our first meeting place, Hall 1, on 24 W. 175 Hobson Road in 1995. By 2001, we had expanded and purchased our Hall 2 on 8 S. 130 Wehrli Road, Naperville. We plan to build a larger meeting facility next to Hall 2 to accommodate the growing needs of multiple language meetings, children’s meetings, youth meetings, and various activities in the church life.
In the New Testament, the only way to enter into the genuine fellowship of the Body of Christ, and thus to join the New Testament church, is by believing in Jesus Christ and being born again with His divine life to become a member of the Body of Christ.
This means that in reality, all of the believers in Christ living in our locality are already in the local church here; there is no need for you to “join” - you already did when you believed in Jesus Christ as your Savior.